Picture 1. Sharing SODIS with the Kiteek village in Saboba.
Soaring On Drugs In Saboba
Seriously Open Drainage Input Sewers
Some Odd Drumming, Incessant Stomping
Spying On Dogs, Infinitely Sly
Sunshine Over- Dose Information Session
Actually, SODIS= SOlar water DISinfection
Typhoid and malaria are the two most common causes of disease and death here in Saboba. This week we tried to prevent Typhoid fever by sharing a solar water treatment method (SODIS, for short) at schools and villages. We talked about preventative health and the water treatment method (leave a 2L bottle in the sun for 6 hrs, UV kills 99.99% bacteria) to over 300 junior secondary students and 40 villagers. We learned about their local water sources and that there are some boreholes around Saboba with clear and relatively clean water.
We walked to the nearby Oti River that separated Ghana and Togo. The water was a cloudy green, but people were using it to clean clothes.
In the OR, this week we have seen more hernias and emergency surgeries. We helped organize tens of boxes of donated supplies. Today, we watched a C-section and tube-tying surgery on a young woman today. It took a mere 5 minutes to get the baby girl out and she immediately cried and looked very healthy. The baby was sucking on the blanket waiting for the mom to recover. It took her a couple of minute to latch on but then she started to have a strong suck and you could hear her swallow. Mmm colostrum.
Bri got malaria. But she’s better now.
We danced at a funeral. When old people die, they drum and dance for two days and nights outside the persons’ home to celebrate their long life. When a young person dies, however, the funeral is small, quiet, and mournful. The person is buried immediately, but the funeral celebration can be up to a year later so that the whole family can come together. Anyone can come to the funeral- even us visitors were invited to dance at one here in Saboba. And funerals can reoccur to continue the remembrance of the person- for one person, they can have a celebration at day 40, 60, 80, etc.
Thanks for thinking of us. We will be leaving Saboba, NR, and going to Mole National Park for the weekend. Then Accra next week. Home for classes by the 5th.