Thursday, January 13, 2011

City life is bananas!

Picture 1. James at the market.

Picture 2. Brianna and Kendra shaking hands with a baboon at the Kumasi Zoo.

After a tiring day at the orphanage, Joseph brought us to the Kumasi Zoo. There were ostriches, peacocks, camels, monkeys (Mona, baboon, gorilla, Callithrix...), turles, snakes, birds, lions, hyenas (huge and adorable!), porcupines, crocodiles, warthogs, duikers, bats (huge!!). The diversity was incredible. It was sad to see them in small cages, but they were very interactive and lively.

The Kumasi market is a zoo of its own. Congested. Polluted. Busy. Fast-moving. But we were successful in both trips. Brian bought some Gucci sunglasses and Lacoste shorts. James, Kendra and Courtney bought some soccer jerseys. Bri bought a watch and looked at some purses. Kendra and Courtney bought some fabric to make some skirts. We had an air-conditioned lunch at the Sanbra Hotel downtown and watched as bags of cash were exchanged at another table (VISA is still a new thing here...).

We are leaving for the rural town of Saboba on Saturday. We will have limited access to the internet, but we will try to update asap. Thanks for thinking of us!

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